Using Category Theory to parse command line options

Programming is hard, looking for better abstractions

If you ever wrote a program bigger than a few lines of code you probably know that the bigger the program gets - the harder it gets to ensure it does exactly what you meant, due to how different parts can interact. Over time, programmers and computer scientists discovered various ways to manage this complexity. Programming went from physically wiring the instructions, to writing them as mnemonics with assembly languages, to abstractions with variables, labels, functions, and so on.

Functional Programming is one of the paradigms for managing complexity. Its main idea is to abstract code as a set of functions, and using those functions to pass values around rather than imperatively to mutate data.

The main goal of this tutorial is to explain the idea of Applicative Functors, what its methods do, and why you may want to use them. The code shown here is going to be similar but slightly different from what you would use in a full featured command line argument parsing library - for production you would want better error messages, help generation, dynamic completion and so on. The main operations however, stay the same. Applicative Functors are not even limited to arg parsing and you can try to follow this tutorial to get some ideas for your own problems.

Imagine you want to create an argument parser that parses your arguments into a struct like this:

struct Args {
    bin: String,
    jobs: u32,

If you want to write an argument parser purely imperatively, look at the horrors that entails, think about how to scale and maintain this:

fn parse() -> Args {
    let mut bin = None;
    let mut jobs = None;

    let mut args = std::env::args();
    while let (Some(arg), Some(value)) = (,{
        if arg == "--bin" {
            bin = Some(value.to_string());
        if arg == "--jobs" {
            jobs = Some(value.parse::<u32>.unwrap()),

    Args {
        bin: bin.expect("'--bin' not given"),
        jobs: jobs.expect("'--jobs' not given"),

What if you could use functional programming to just describe what you want:

fn parse() -> Args {
    let bin = Arg("--bin").parse(|n| n.to_string());
    let jobs = Arg("--jobs").parse(|a| a.parse::<u32>);
    let Args = bin
      .map(|(bin, jobs)| Args { bin, jobs })

Now lets see how we get there.

Parsing command line options

If you used cargo you are probably familiar with expressions like this:

$ cargo build --bin hello  # build a binary "hello"
$ cargo build --jobs 4     # build everything using 4 cpu jobs

Parsing command line options in general is a wide problem and to make it more manageable this tutorial is going to look only at option arguments with a long name: --bin hello and --jobs 4 parts. This approach however can parse pretty much anything, bpaf is a finished library that uses it.

bpaf -
A simple Command Line Argument Parser with parser combinators

Humble beginning

Let’s start with some magical handwavey way, taking things from std::env::args() and placing them in a container, that introduces a simple way of taking them out again.

// a magical container with a value already inside
struct Magic(&'static str);
impl Magic {
    // a way to get a value out of the container
    fn run(self) -> String {

fn sample() {
    // --bin hello
    let bin = Magic("hello");
    let result =;
    assert_eq!(result, "hello");

At this point the parser can represent single string arguments using Magic and extract them via Magic::run.

Adding more types

Next step would be to allow it to have arguments of different types. Consider --jobs argument. For some applications passing “4” to the consumer is valid, but in most cases consumer would prefer to use its numeric value. To be able to pass a number like 4u32 the parser needs a way to represent it in the first place. This can be achieved by making Magic a generic datatype:

struct Magic<T>(T);
impl<T> Magic<T> {
    fn run(self) -> T {

Generics allow us to represent and extract values of any type, but since our handwavy magic only creates variables of type Magic<&'static str>, the parser still needs a way to change the type to another such as Magic<u32>.

For that Category Theory gives an abstraction called Functor. A functor allows us to change a value inside of a generic context to some other value with the same or a different type but without changing the context. Sounds scary, but Option::map does more or less the same thing:

impl<T> Magic<T> {
    fn map<R, F: Fn(T) -> R>(self, f: F) -> Magic<R> {

fn sample() {
    use std::path::PathBuf;
    // --jobs 4
    let jobs = Magic("4"); // Magic<&str>
    let jobs =|s| u32::from_str(s).unwrap()); // Magic<u32>
    let result =;
    assert_eq!(result, 4);

Every valid Functor implementation must satisfy a two laws - preserving identity functions (Functor mapped with a function that changes nothing stays the same) and preserving composition of functions (functor transformed with two functions should give the same result as the same functor transformed with a composition of those two functions). For as long as it only changes the values in a context without affecting the context itself - implementation should be valid.

At this point the parser can represent arguments of any type and provides a way to map between types.

Handling failures

Supporting mapping that can’t fail is easy with just the Functor abstraction, but it can’t handle failures well - consider parsing numeric information:

$ app --jobs 42
$ app --jobs Forty-two

A parser using map, FromStr::from_str and unwrap can parse the first line but panics with a bad error message for the second one. To handle parsing failures Magic needs to be able to represent them. The usual approach for dealing with failing computations in Rust is with help from the Result type.

struct Magic<T>(Result<T, String>);
impl<T> Magic<T> {
    fn run(self) -> Result<T, String> {

    fn parse<R, F: Fn(T) -> Result<R, String>>(self, f: F) -> Magic<R> {
        match self.0 {
            Ok(x) => Magic(f(x)),
            Err(err) => Magic(Err(err)),

The parse method applies a failing computation on a value inside Magic if one exists or keeps the error message untouched otherwise. The change in the representation of Magic also requires to change map, but after that, fallible conversions are now possible:

impl<T> Magic<T> {
    fn map<R, F: Fn(T) -> R>(self, f: F) -> Magic<R> {
        self.parse(|x| Ok(f(x)))

fn sample() {
    use std::str::FromStr;
    // --jobs 42
    let jobs = Magic(Ok("42"));
    let result = jobs
        .parse(|n| u32::from_str(n).map_err(|e| e.to_string()))
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(42));

    let jobs = Magic(Ok("Forty-two"));
    let result = jobs
        .parse(|n| u32::from_str(n).map_err(|e| e.to_string()))
    assert_eq!(result, Err("invalid digit found in string".to_owned()))

At this point the parser can represent arguments of any type and failures too. Alas, parse is an ad-hoc thing and isn’t coming from Category Theory.

Composing failing computations

run makes it easy to check if computation is successful and to proceed only when it is, but it also adds a new corner case: consider an app that takes a name and the answer, checks if the answer is correct and reports to the user:

let bin ="You need to specify --bin");

// println!("Building binary {bin}!") // (1)

let jobs ="You need to specify --jobs");

// println!("Building binary {bin}!") // (2)

compile(bin, jobs);

The greeting code can go in one of two position: (1) and (2). In the first position it executes before all the arguments are validated. In this example a failure to validate the first argument results in a confusing message to user, but it’s easy imagine a situation where, instead of writing a message, an app might perform some harder to undo actions. Because of this, a good argument parser needs to have a way to make sure all the arguments are validated before proceeding.

An abstraction from the Category Theory called Applicative Functor can help with this scenario.

Applicative functors allow us to run functorial computations in a sequence (unlike plain functors), but don’t allow us to use results from prior computations in the definition of subsequent ones.

Sounds scary but Option::zip does something similar for Option and a variant for Magic looks like this:

impl<T> Magic<T> {
    fn zip<R>(self, other: Magic<R>) -> Magic<(T, R)> {
        match (self.0, other.0) {
            (Ok(t), Ok(r)) => Magic(Ok((t, r))),
            (_, Err(err)) | (Err(err), _) => Magic(Err(err)),

This helps to combine the two independent computations for bin and jobs into a single computation for both arguments:

let args =;
let args = match {
    Ok(ok) => ok,
    Err(err) => panic!("There's a problem with your arguments: {err}"),

println!("Building binary {}!", args.0)
compile(args.0, args.1);

While zip can combine only two parsers you can chain it multiple times to create things like Magic<(A, (B, (C, D)))> and flatten it later with map to Magic<(A, B, C, D)> or pack into a struct like Magic<Struct>. A simple macro can take care of those transformations.

At this point the parser can deal with any number of arguments of any type while making sure they are all present and valid.

Composing failing computations in a different way

In some cases there can be more than one way to represent some information and for as long as one of the representations is valid the alternatives may fail. To give an example an app might expect user to specify either their nick name or a full name:

app --nick Bob
app --fullname "Bob the Magnificent"

and work with whatever version the user prefers. For this style of composition Category Theory offers an abstraction called Alternative Functor.

It extends the parser with a single function that takes two values in contexts and picks one that succeeds:

impl<T> Magic<T> {
    /// if first computation fails - pick the second one
    fn alt(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        match self.0 {
            Ok(t) => Magic(Ok(t)),
            Err(_) => other,

And a program that takes either a full or a nick name might look like this:

let nick = Magic(Err("No nick name given".to_string()));
let fullname = Magic(Ok("Bob the Magnificent"));
let name = nick.alt(fullname);

println!("Hello {}!",;

Since zip isn’t constrained by argument types for as long as they are the same - it can pick between whole different computation trees or different operations with multiple simple parsers each.

At this point parser can deal with any number of arguments of any types allowing to pick valid combinations.

Failing intentionally and succeeding unconditionally

While an app might require users to specify some arguments, for other arguments there might be a valid default value. Alternatively, for some cases a parser might provide better error messages than a generic “argument –foo is missing”. The alt method helps with both cases, when composed with either an always failing (fail) or always succeeding (pure) parser:

impl<T> Magic<T> {
    /// put a value into a minimal valid context
    fn pure(val: T) -> Self {

    /// produce a failing computation with custom error message
    fn fail(msg: &str) -> Self {

Customizing error messages:

let name = nick.alt(fullname).alt(fail("You need to pass --nick or --fullname"));

Fallback to some default value:

let name = nick.alt(fullname).alt(pure("Anonymous"));

Defined operations summary

Operations defined so far are sufficient to express arbitrary computations on command line arguments:

struct Magic<T>(Result<T, String>);
impl<T> Magic<T> {
    /// a way to run a computation
    fn run(self) -> Result<T, String> {

    /// apply a pure transformation to a contained value
    fn map<R, F: Fn(T) -> R>(self, f: F) -> Magic<R> {
        self.parse(|x| Ok(f(x)))

    /// apply a failing transformation to a contained value
    fn parse<R, F: Fn(T) -> Result<R, String>>(self, f: F) -> Magic<R> {
        match self.0 {
            Ok(x) => Magic(f(x)),
            Err(err) => Magic(Err(err)),

    /// compose two computations into a single one requiring both to succeed
    fn zip<R>(self, other: Magic<R>) -> Magic<(T, R)> {
        match (self.0, other.0) {
            (Ok(t), Ok(r)) => Magic(Ok((t, r))),
            (Err(err), _) | (_, Err(err)) => Magic(Err(err)),

    /// compose two computations, picking succeeding one
    fn alt(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        match self.0 {
            Ok(t) => Magic(Ok(t)),
            Err(_) => other,

    /// create an unconditionally succeeding computation
    fn pure(val: T) -> Self {

    /// create an unconditionally failing computation
    fn fail(msg: &str) -> Self {

Those seven operations serve as a base for the parser. They allow us to compose primitive argument parsers in many ways to create a very wide range of computations and there’s no mutations in the API itself so it fits perfectly with a functional programming style.

There are a few examples of useful operations implemented in terms of this base API.

Optional command line arguments:

fn optional(magic: Magic<T>) -> Magic<Option<T>> {
    // if magic contains a value - wrap it in Some, otherwise use None
    // this will also consume any errors that can be inside, but we'll address
    // this problem later

Validating values with a function:

fn guard(magic: Magic<T>, check: impl Fn(&T) -> bool, msg: &str) -> Magic<T> {
    magic.parse(|val| {
        if check(&val) {
        } else {

Back to the practical implementation

Now that the parser has all the basic building blocks the next step is to reimplement them without Magic<T>, since current internal representation relies on handwavy magic to provide Magic containers for arguments on a command line.

An obvious way to represent a specific flag would be by keeping its name around:

struct Arg(&'static str);

One way to represent all name-argument-pairs is to store them in a BTreeMap<String, String> (for simplicity this parser assumes there is only a single argument per name). With this, an invocation of

$ app --bin hello --jobs 4

would create a map looking like this:

  "bin": "hello",
  "jobs": "4"

Since Arg, as defined above, only represents a name and doesn’t have a value until the execution phase, the parser needs to use other data types to represent remaining operations. In Rust, traits are used to describe the same set of operations for different data types.

struct Arg(&'static str);

trait Parser<T> {
    fn run(self, args: &mut BTreeMap<&str, &str>) -> Result<T, String>;

impl Parser<String> for Arg {
    fn run(self, args: &mut BTreeMap<&str, &str>) -> Result<String, String> {
        // remove takes care about only consuming each argument at most once
        match args.remove(self.0) {
            Some(val) => Ok(val.to_owned()),
            None => Err(format!("{} is not found", self.0)),

With Magic<T> it’s possible to apply the map transformation immediately, with Arg the value isn’t available until later so map needs to stash both the parser it changes and the transformation it applies until later. A simple struct like ParseMap can do just that:

struct ParseMap<P, F, T, R> {
    // inner parser
    inner: P,
    inner_type: PhantomData<T>,
    // transformation function
    mapper: F,
    mapper_result: PhantomData<R>,

PhantomData here is something required by the Rust type system to allow us to implement Parser trait for ParseMap. Since ParseMap doesn’t need to know what exact parser it works on. As long as types align - map can go directly into the trait as a default implementation.

trait Parser<T>
    Self: Sized,
    fn map<R, F>(self, f: F) -> ParseMap<Self, F, T, R>
        F: Fn(T) -> R,
        ParseMap {
            inner: self,
            inner_type: PhantomData,
            mapper: f,
            mapper_result: PhantomData,

run for ParseMap simply runs the inner parser and applies the transformation if inner parser succeeded.

impl<F, P, R, T> Parser<T> for ParseMap<P, F, T, R>
    P: Parser<R>,
    F: Fn(R) -> T,
    fn run(self, args: &mut BTreeMap<&str, &str>) -> Result<T, String> {
        let p =;

parse’s implementation is almost identical to map, but instead of wrapping the result in Ok it uses what mapper returns.

struct ParseParse<P, F, T, R> {
    // inner parser
    inner: P,
    inner_type: PhantomData<T>,
    // transformation function
    mapper: F,
    mapper_result: PhantomData<R>,

impl<F, P, R, T> Parser<T> for ParseParse<P, F, T, R>
    P: Parser<R>,
    F: Fn(R) -> Result<T, String>,

    fn run(self, args: &mut BTreeMap<&str, &str>) -> Result<T, String> {
        let p =;

zip is close too, but instead of a single inner parser it holds two of them and runs them sequentially, when either parser fails - whole computation fails by the power of ? operator:

struct ParseZip<L, R, A, B> {
    left: L,
    left_type: PhantomData<A>,
    right: R,
    right_type: PhantomData<B>,

impl<L, R, A, B> Parser<(A, B)> for ParseZip<L, R, A, B>
    L: Parser<A>,
    R: Parser<B>,
    fn run(self, args: &mut BTreeMap<&str, String>) -> Result<(A, B), String> {
        let a =;
        let b =;
        Ok((a, b))

pure and fail simply stash the expected value or the error message and return them inside the run function without touching args at all.

With alt picking between two alternatives and each alternatives potentially consuming the same command line options, both branches must get exactly the same set of inputs and the final set of changes to args should come from the succeeding branch:

struct ParseAlt<L, R, T> {
    left: L,
    right: R,
    result_type: PhantomData<T>,

impl<L, R, T> Parser<T> for ParseAlt<L, R, T> {
    fn run(self, args: &mut BTreeMap<&str, String>) -> Result<T, String> {
        let args_copy = args.clone();
        match args_copy) {
            Ok(ok) => {
                std::mem::swap(args, &mut args_copy);
            _ =>

With all those methods in place, all that’s missing is a wrapper to take care of getting arguments from std::env::args(), placing them into a BTreeMap and invoking run. Since these steps the same for every Parser, it can be provided as a default implementation on the Parser trait.

    fn exec(self) -> Result<T, String> {
        let argv = std::env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        let mut args = BTreeMap::new();
        for i in 0..argv.len() / 2 {
            args.insert(&argv[i * 2], &argv[i * 2 + 1]);
        } args)


Using applicative parser command line parser

This tutorial establishes the base components for an applicative command line parser. The bpaf library extends this concept all the way to production ready state.

Unlike traditional command line interface parsers, where one argument maps roughly to a single field and validations are limited to cases accounted for by the parser library authors, using applicative functors lets library users perform almost arbitrary transformations and validations. For example, it’s possible to have a single option to write to a multiple fields or require that fields come in groups.

The fact that individual parsers compose makes it easy to share them across multiple binaries in the same project. For example if your apps contain a notion of data input from multiple types of sources (local file, remote data base, live network feed) it might be convenient to have a single datatype representing it, possibly with enum, and a single shared parser that lets users specify it. Such parser can contain all the help messages, validations, possible dynamic shell completion functions and so on and can be easily reused across different binaries.

Typical steps consists of

  • figuring out a list of options your app might take and relationships between them
  • packing those options into a composition of structs and enums (to represent mutually required and mutually exclusive combinations respectively)
  • decorating parsers with help messages, validations and shell completion functions

The derive macro supplied by bpaf’s derive feature helps to avoid writing most of the parsing and composition code by hand, but in some cases using a mix of derived and manually written code leads to overall cleaner results.

Using Category Theory abstractions such as Applicative Functors

Rust already supports a very limited subset of similar function compositions with unstable Try trait and ? operator. Abstractions introduced in this tutorial can help to extend such composition with the ability to implicitly pass information around, to try different paths through compositions and collect information about successes and failures and make this information available though side channels.

As shown earlier, Applicative Functors can help with splitting problems containing both business logic (what command line options to consume and what constraints they must obey) and glue logic (what arguments got consumed so far, how to pass consumed arguments around, how to make sure consistent validations, etc) into performant and purely functional style code as far as the external API is concerned.

While designing an Applicative style API requires some specialized knowledge - mostly what kind of laws implementation needs to obey and how to check them - using the resulting API does not. With help of the Rust’s type system it’s easy to make sure that for as long as the user’s code typechecks - it works and all compositions are correct.