

Why does Rust Magazine need sponsorship?

Rust Magazine is a non-profit, community-driven publication that relies on the contributions of volunteers to bring high-quality content to the Rust community. Rust Magazine is seeking sponsorships to:

  • Cover the running costs of Rust Magazine, including but not limited to domain fees, email fees, etc.
  • Pay our authors for their contributions and inspire more high-quality content.
  • Pay our editors a small salary for their time and effort in maintaining Rust Magazine.

How to sponsor Rust Magazine?

You can sponsor Rust Magazine through the OpenCollective platform. Rust Magazine offers several different sponsorship tiers:

  • For individuals, you can make a one-time donation with a customized amount, or sponsor Rust Magazine with $1, $5, or $10 per month.
  • For enterprise, you can sponsor us with $25, $50, and $100 per month. Rust Magazine offers different benefits for each tiers.
  • For more detail, please visit https://opencollective.com/rustmagazine.

How does Rust Magazine pay the authors?

This is a draft and is subject to change in the future.

We pay each author according to the following formula: min($100, word count / 100 * $1.25). We pay $1.25 per 100 words, with a maximum payout of $100 per article.

Each author must submit an expense request on the OpenCollective platform. After the admin approves the request, the Fiscal Host will make a payout.

How does Rust Magazine pay the editors?

This is a draft and is subject to change in the future.

Rust Magazine has several editors who take turns being responsible for each Issue. The editor on duty for each Issue will receive a payment of $50. If an editor is not on duty for a particular Issue, Rust Magazine will not pay them for that Issue. Worth noting there is only one duty editor for each Issue.

Each editor must submit an expense request on the OpenCollective platform. After the admin approves the request, the Fiscal Host will make a payout.

What happens if some authors need to be paid but insufficient sponsors have come forwards - Who is responsible?

We can’t pay the author if our balance is insufficient, however, the author can still submit an expense request on OpenCollective, after we have enough sponsors, we’ll approve it and make a payout. So no one else needs additional responsibility for this.

What if the editor on duty is not the best editor for a particular article?

This isn’t a problem. Editor on duty isn’t mean that the editor is responsible all thing, it means he/she is in charge of this issue. When he/she meets something he/she is not good at it, just seek help from the editor team.