VecDeque::resize() optimization

This is the first article on pr-demystifying topics. Each article labeled pr-demystifying will attempt to demystify the details behind the PR.

`VecDeque::resize` should re-use the buffer in the passed-in element by scottmcm · Pull Request #104435 · rust-lang/rust · GitHub

While browsing the rust-lang repository’s list of pull requests last month, I came across PR #104435, titled VecDeque::resize should re-use the buffer in the passed-in element. This PR caught my attention because it seemed interesting and I wanted to understand more about it. I began to wonder why it was necessary to optimize VecDeque::resize() and how the old version might be lacking. I also wanted to know how the author had optimized the new version. After delving into the code in the PR, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of these issues.


Firstly, let’s get familiar with the VecDeque::resize().

pub fn resize(&mut self, new_len: usize, value: T)

Modifies the deque in-place so that len() is equal to new_len, either by removing excess elements from the back or by appending clones of value to the back.

use std::collections::VecDeque;

let mut buf = VecDeque::new();
assert_eq!(buf, [5, 10, 15]);

buf.resize(2, 0);
assert_eq!(buf, [5, 10]);

buf.resize(5, 20);
assert_eq!(buf, [5, 10, 20, 20, 20]);

The VecDeque::resize() API is simple to use. It takes two arguments: the new length to which the VecDeque should be resized, and a value to use for any new elements that are added to the VecDeque when it expands.

The problem

However, if we don’t look at the implementation details of this function, we might not realize that there is room for optimization. As the PR’s author @scottmcm pointed out, the old version did not reuse the value that was passed in as the default, resulting in unnecessary cloning of values.

use std::collections::VecDeque;

let mut buf = VecDeque::new();
buf.resize(5, String::from("rust"));

For example, the string “rust” was cloned five times, even though only four were needed, because the VecDeque::resize() function used VecDeque::resize_with() underneath, which passed a closure to the repeat_with().take().

pub fn resize(&mut self, new_len: usize, value: T) {
    self.resize_with(new_len, || value.clone());

pub fn resize_with(&mut self, new_len: usize, generator: impl FnMut() -> T) {
    let len = self.len();

    if new_len > len {
        self.extend(repeat_with(generator).take(new_len - len))
    } else {

This closure was called repeatedly until it reached the take limit, causing unnecessary cloning.

pub fn repeat_with<A, F: FnMut() -> A>(repeater: F) -> RepeatWith<F> {
    RepeatWith { repeater }

/// An iterator that repeats elements of type `A` endlessly by
/// applying the provided closure `F: FnMut() -> A`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RepeatWith<F> {
    repeater: F,

impl<A, F: FnMut() -> A> Iterator for RepeatWith<F> {
    type Item = A;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        (usize::MAX, None)

Now that we have identified the problem, let’s move on to how the author fixed it.


The most significant change made in PR #104435 was the replacement of repeat_with().take() with repeat_n().

pub fn resize(&mut self, new_len: usize, value: T) {
    if new_len > self.len() {
        let extra = new_len - self.len();
-       self.extend(repeat_with(generator).take(new_len - len))
+       self.extend(repeat_n(value, extra))
    } else {

We can learn more about repeat_n from ACP: Uplift iter::repeat_n from itertools. The author proposes to uplift itertools::repeat_n() into the standard library, just like how iter::repeat_with() has obviated itertools::repeat_call().

How does repeat_n() avoid the unnecessary cloning? Let’s dive into the code:

pub fn repeat_n<T: Clone>(element: T, count: usize) -> RepeatN<T> {
    let mut element = ManuallyDrop::new(element);

    if count == 0 {
        // SAFETY: we definitely haven't dropped it yet, since we only just got
        // passed it in, and because the count is zero the instance we're about
        // to create won't drop it, so to avoid leaking we need to now.
        unsafe { ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut element) };

    RepeatN { element, count }

pub struct RepeatN<A> {
    count: usize,
    // Invariant: has been dropped iff count == 0.
    element: ManuallyDrop<A>,

impl<A: Clone> Iterator for RepeatN<A> {
    type Item = A;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> {
        if self.count == 0 {
            return None;

        self.count -= 1;
        Some(if self.count == 0 {
            // SAFETY: the check above ensured that the count used to be non-zero,
            // so element hasn't been dropped yet, and we just lowered the count to
            // zero so it won't be dropped later, and thus it's okay to take it here.
            unsafe { ManuallyDrop::take(&mut self.element) }
        } else {
            A::clone(&mut self.element)

Not too much code, we can easily grasp it. The RepeatN struct returned by repeat_n() is the point. To save a cloning, RepeatN declares its element as the ManuallyDrop type.


ManuallyDrop<T> is a zero-cost wrapper to inhibit compiler from automatically calling T’s destructor unless you call ManuallyDrop::drop() method.

The two most important APIs that can help us avoid unnecessary cloning are:

  • ManuallyDrop::take()
pub unsafe fn take(slot: &mut ManuallyDrop<T>) -> T {
    // SAFETY: we are reading from a reference, which is guaranteed
    // to be valid for reads.
    unsafe { ptr::read(&slot.value) }
  • The DerefMut implementation

In the Iterator implementation of RepeatN, the next() method clones the element in each iteration until the count reaches 0. In the final iteration, the ManuallyDrop::take() function is used to reuse the buffer and avoid an extra clone.

Wait, but why does A::clone(&mut self.element) will get an instance of A? The type of &mut self.element is &mut ManuallyDrop, not &mut A. Well, the use of ManuallyDrop may seem obscure at first, but it becomes clearer when we consider the Deref and DerefMut traits that it implements. These traits allow for a type like &mut ManuallyDrop<A> to be treated as if it were a type like &mut A. This is known as Deref coercion. As an example, consider the following code:

fn main() {
    let mut a = String::from("A");
    test(&mut a);

fn test(s: &str) {

Here, we are able to pass a &mut String value to the test() function, even though the function’s argument type is &str. This is because String implements both Deref and DerefMut, allowing it to be treated as if it were a &str value.

Similarly, ManuallyDrop<A> also implements DerefMut, allowing it to be treated as if it were an &mut A value.

impl<T: ?Sized> const DerefMut for ManuallyDrop<T> {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
        &mut self.value

It’s important to note that the Deref trait also has a implementation for &mut T:

impl<T: ?Sized> const Deref for &mut T {
    type Target = T;

    fn deref(&self) -> &T {

So A::clone(&mut self.element) works because &mut ManuallyDrop<A> can convert to &mut A due to Deref coercion, then &mut A can convert to &A also due to Deref coercion.

Thanks to @scottmcm’s kindful reminder, we can change A::clone(&mut self.element) to A::clone(&self.element). So I submitted a PR(#106564) to fix it.


During the review of this article, @XeCycle suggested that it might be possible to achieve the same result without using unsafe code by using Option<(NonZeroUsize, T)> instead. @XeCycle provided a playground example to demonstrate this idea.

However, @scottmcm also commented on this issue, explaining that ManuallyDrop is a more appropriate choice for this case because it is designed for niche-filling. As an example, consider the following code:

use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
use core::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use core::num::NonZeroUsize;
use core::alloc::Layout;

fn main() {
    dbg!(Layout::new::<Option<Option<(NonZeroUsize, String)>>>());
    dbg!(Layout::new::<Option<(usize, MaybeUninit<String>)>>());
    dbg!(Layout::new::<Option<(usize, ManuallyDrop<String>)>>());

The output of this code is:

[src/] Layout::new::<Option<Option<(NonZeroUsize, String)>>>() = Layout {
    size: 40,
    align: 8 (1 << 3),
[src/] Layout::new::<Option<(usize, MaybeUninit<String>)>>() = Layout {
    size: 40,
    align: 8 (1 << 3),
[src/] Layout::new::<Option<(usize, ManuallyDrop<String>)>>() = Layout {
    size: 32,
    align: 8 (1 << 3),

As we can see, using Option<(usize, ManuallyDrop<String>)> results in a smaller size than the other options. Using ManuallyDrop allows Option<RepeatN<String>> to have the same size as RepeatN<String>, which is not the case with the other options.

For more information on this topic, you can check out the article PR.


As a Rust developer, I am often most concerned with the changes listed in the stable release notes. However, this does not mean that I should not be interested in the individual pull requests (PRs) that are being merged into the project. There are hundreds of PRs merged each week, and each one has a story and an author behind it. That’s why I propose the creation of a topic called #pr-demystifying, where we can share articles about interesting or educational PRs in the Rust community. The PR #104435, for example, may not be a major optimization, but it allowed me to learn a lot. I would like to thank the author @scottmcm for their work on this PR. I hope that this article and others like it will be helpful to others in the community.

Thanks to @scottmcm, @XeCycle, @zhanghandong for proof reading this post!